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Find and Run Robot Opinions on SnapFiles
I rely on this software every day on every computer I use regularly. I almost never click on the start button to start applications now, I use Find and Run Robot. Amazing piece of software... Find and Run Robot beats the pants off of other desktop search programs, including MSN, Google, and Yahoo Desktop search. This program is very fast, and has a high degree of customization regarding what files you want to search for and where to search. It does not consume hard disk space by indexing your files like other desktop search programs. Try this program out and you'll agree that it is lightning fast and probably the most useful desktop search program out there (and best of all, it's free). My best regards go out to the developers of this program... Simple/quick to use. Don't use the start menu again, and quickly find loads of stuff lost in those pesky menus! Doesn't use the registry and no nasties. I am just a happy user. image

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